Reviewing Children & YA Islamic Fiction, Books by Muslim Authors, & Books Featuring Muslim Characters

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This Book Won’t Burn by Samira Ahmed

It is clear that this 384 page contemporary YA book is about the hot topic of burn banning in America, and I would imagine most are aware that the overwhelming number of books that have been recently banned or pulled because of objection, are by BIPOC and queer authors featuring BIPOC and queer themes and representation.  So I read it not so much to see the author’s perspective, but more to see how the Muslim author had the Muslim identifying characters in the book approach the topic.  The book is very black and white: book banning is wrong, Republican right…

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Honk Honk, Beep Beep, Putter Putt! by Rukhsana Khan illustrated by Chaaya Prabhat

This adorable 32 page book is noisy and colorful and forces you to smile.  Granted I had dreams as a child of being a rickshaw driver, and even as a teen my father tried to arrange for me to take one for a spin early one hot Karachi morning, but alas, my dreams never came to fruition.  Cue the power of books, to take you right back to those busy streets, boisterous noises, colorful vehicles, and happy memories.  Even if you have never ridden in a rickshaw, or heard of one, this book is a fun adventure for toddlers and…

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Our World: Pakistan by Rumaisa Bilal illustrated by Nez Riaz

This 20 page board book doesn’t come out for a few months, but it really is adorable, and I love that it centers Islam, so I’m putting it on your radar hoping you might preorder to show your support.  This ever growing series highlights different countries by OWN voice authors, focuses on simple text, cultural insight, linguistic samples, and bright illustrations.  The book follows a little girl from morning to bedtime and then highlights parts of the unique cultural aspects shared in the back-ish matter. The book starts with Subah Bakhair, good morning, written in Urdu and English, before AllahuAkbar…

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I’m learning how to build this website and make it user friendly, forgive me that it is a work in progress. I am not sure how to include more than 100 posts in each age group, nor why some are so terribly miscategorized.  





Reviewing Children & YA Islamic Fiction, Books by Muslim Authors, & Books Featuring Muslim Characters

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